Dear Father and Mother,
I have been wanting to write this letter to you for a long time to express my love, admiration and gratitude ... Everyday day for the last two years, Father, you have been immersing yourself in your book writing.
Mother, you has been becomes the best assistant and editor for Father's Project.
I have been wanting to write this letter to you for a long time to express my love, admiration and gratitude ... Everyday day for the last two years, Father, you have been immersing yourself in your book writing.
Mother, you has been becomes the best assistant and editor for Father's Project.
爸爸, 你是一個不折不扣跟著夢想走的人。在80歲的壽筵上,你向眾親戚朋友講出自己的夢想-你要出書,一本關於石油工業技術的書。在我和孩子的DREAM POSSIBLE 課程參觀時,你很有信心地告訴大家這個心願。
媽媽, 你作為一位石油 大学的講師,来到香港,工作是技术总編輯。這次當擔了重要的拍檔,也是最佳拍檔。你們兩位“七、八十”後,在花甲年紀,繼續發揮自己的才能和潛能,在出書的最後階段,日夜奮戰,埋首校對、整理、編輯,不分假日週末。雖然他們身體都有毛病,但那種為夢想豁出去的精神,為我們後代做了最好的身教榜樣。
媽媽, 你作為一位石油 大学的講師,来到香港,工作是技术总編輯。這次當擔了重要的拍檔,也是最佳拍檔。你們兩位“七、八十”後,在花甲年紀,繼續發揮自己的才能和潛能,在出書的最後階段,日夜奮戰,埋首校對、整理、編輯,不分假日週末。雖然他們身體都有毛病,但那種為夢想豁出去的精神,為我們後代做了最好的身教榜樣。
Do what you dreams and and love what you do!
Do what you dreams and and love what you do!
從你们身上,我仍看可到三歲孩子的影子,那份對好奇 心和童真。我也明白為什麼年齡在你們心靈从不曾留下痕迹。因為你们永遠活在當下,發夢、追夢……不懂什麼叫做失敗二字,只有成長!
爸爸, 你在參加我的工作坊後,告訴我,你經常發一個夢:在海裡探索,暢遊、潛水。
今天,這本書,經過大家的努力,無數個挨夜書寫,整理,校對,終於定稿, 完成寫書後,就會和媽媽一起,去馬爾代夫潛水, 繼續完成環遊世界的大夢!
今天,這本書,經過大家的努力,無數個挨夜書寫,整理,校對,終於定稿, 完成寫書後,就會和媽媽一起,去馬爾代夫潛水, 繼續完成環遊世界的大夢!
Dear dad and mom,
I am really proud of you! I would like to dedicate a couple
of Steve Jobs quotes to you and myself:
the courage to follow your heart and intuition…they somehow already know what
you truly want to become.”
hungry…Stay foolish.”
life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.”
爸爸,媽媽,你們是我们成長路上的典範, 導師,我代表弟弟妹妹, 向你們致敬!雖然我們很少在一起,但我們的心永遠是連在一起的!
Dear parents,
You are my life inspiration,raising me up all the way to today. Here a song dedicating to you:
p.s. My father is a dreamer, he wants to live to 100, travels around the world continuously and write a book. Now his book is going on well to finish. An excellent example of following dreams exactly...
Dear parents,
You are my life inspiration,raising me up all the way to today. Here a song dedicating to you:
p.s. My father is a dreamer, he wants to live to 100, travels around the world continuously and write a book. Now his book is going on well to finish. An excellent example of following dreams exactly...
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