Movie Review8-2-2015
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
電影 “Still Alice”, 《永遠的愛麗絲〉》, 喚醒世界對身邊患有Alzheimer's disease,腦退化症朋友,家人的關注。 也展示了人性最真實,最美麗的一面,面對不可預測的困境!
主角Alice, 患有遺傳的早發性腦退化症,剛剛過了五十歲生日。事業正處于高峰,卻發現自己有時不知自己身處何方,上課不記得自己下句要講什麽,有時不記得最簡單的單字,慢慢,連自己的名字,生日也忘記了,最後自己是誰也忘掉…
電影裏, Julianne Moore has done a wonderful job. 一方面ALICE 內心世界很痛苦,但外表仍表現溫柔,和諧和堅毅。眼睛凝視一點,似是看見了什麼,但是乎什麼也看不見,看是在想著什麼,但卻想不起來。腦海空空的,看似沒有情感,其實欲哭無淚。
Julianne帶著觀衆,和主角Alice一起,一點一點,細膩的去經曆,去體驗這個身體退化過程,感受她內心的掙紮、焦慮、不安、無奈,感受給家人帶來的沖擊,變化,感受她因爲病情的反複無常,所帶來的的性情變化,有時脆弱,有時堅強,而最令人感動的是Alice家人無條件的愛,支持, 還有Alice那種面對疾病,保持心境和諧,溫柔,堅毅的態度- Gracefulness, toughness and warmth, softness...
The movie inspires people to learn to accept aging and diseases, to love ourselves, and
family, old generation.
What I like it mostly is the family attitude, support and
love towards Mama's awful deterioration , their caring, understanding, graceful , toughness manner, and Alice's touching speech.
看完“Still Alice”, 我對這個電影的中英文名字有了較爲清晰的理解。名字背後的真正意義:
A beautiful, smart Alice! Whatever she becomes at last.
A beautiful, smart Alice! Whatever she becomes at last.
電影中的“爸爸”好像不斷在提醒我們,在家人心中,媽媽 Alice 不等於她的疾病,Alice仍然是我們美麗的ALICE。同樣,當我們或別人有情緒,提醒自己,我們,別人,都不等於情緒,目的是要看事物的本質,要看情緒背後的動機,看的更深,更廣,而不被情緒、表面上混亂的局面所控制,失控。
“You're so beautiful,"
said Alice. "I'm afraid of looking at you and not knowing who you are."
"I think that even if you don't know who I am someday, you'll still know that I love you."
"What if I see you, and I don't know that you're my daughter, and I don't know that you love me?"
"Then, I'll tell you that I do, and you'll believe me.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
"I think that even if you don't know who I am someday, you'll still know that I love you."
"What if I see you, and I don't know that you're my daughter, and I don't know that you love me?"
"Then, I'll tell you that I do, and you'll believe me.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
“... just because
[butterflies'] lives were short didn't mean they were tragic... See, they have
a beautiful life.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
電影的高潮是ALICE 的演講:
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll forget it some tomorrow doesn't mean that I didn't live every second of it today. I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today didn't matter.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll forget it some tomorrow doesn't mean that I didn't live every second of it today. I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today didn't matter.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
So, just live in the moment.
"Yesterday is a history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift.That is why we call it a present."
問題出現了,不逃避,接受生命中的一切挑戰,接受生命中不可控制的事情, 總是要學會放下的,過去的光輝和幸福,仍然屬于自己,不因爲身體變化被抹殺;但抱著過去的光輝不放手,继而折磨今天的自己,影響今天的情绪和幸福。
“I used to know how the mind handled language, and I could communicate what I knew. I used to be someone who knew a lot. No one asks for my opinion or advice anymore. I miss that. I used to be curious and independent and confident. I miss being sure of things. There's no peace in being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being a part of what's happening. I miss feeling wanted. I miss my life and my family. I loved my life and family.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice“I used to know how the mind handled language, and I could communicate what I knew. I used to be someone who knew a lot. No one asks for my opinion or advice anymore. I miss that. I used to be curious and independent and confident. I miss being sure of things. There's no peace in being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being a part of what's happening. I miss feeling wanted. I miss my life and my family. I loved my life and family.”
不論昨天擁有什麽,今天失去了什麽,都可以是一種Imagination。最重要是此刻 - 活在當下。
早期腦退化症, 從外表看,和正常人一樣,但它就像是白蟻侵食木屋,記憶,一片一片被吞噬,最後失去所有認知力,照顧自己的能力,令人傷感。
Alice 面對的是所有人最終都要面對的,即使沒有早發性腦退化病,身體機能衰退,腦袋不靈光是遲早的事,只是下降坡度沒Alice的快,最後如果我們老而不死,也會像老人院裡那些連自己身處何方也不自知的老人一樣。
Alice 面對的是所有人最終都要面對的,即使沒有早發性腦退化病,身體機能衰退,腦袋不靈光是遲早的事,只是下降坡度沒Alice的快,最後如果我們老而不死,也會像老人院裡那些連自己身處何方也不自知的老人一樣。
- 心血管疾病
- 不良生活習慣
- 抑鬱症
- 肥胖或過瘦
Julianne Moore added another gong
to her collection of prestigious awards last night have beat Felicity Jones,
Amy Adams, Reese Witherspoon and Rosamund Pike to the 'Best Actress in a
Leading Role' BAFTA.
The flame-haired starlet was
applauded for her heart-wrenching portrayal of a woman with early-onset
dementia in the film Still Alice.
The 54-year-old actress has
already won 17 awards for her performance and has also been nominated for an
Based on a book of the same
title, Still Alice tells the story of Alice Howland, a professor at Columbia
University who develops a rare form of familial Alzheimer’s disease at the age
of 50.
The film explores the
implications of the disease which, in Alice’s case, has a genetic cause and
carries the risk of being passed down to her children.
Still Alice- inspiring to live in the moment
《永遠的愛麗絲》 8-2-2015
Movie Review
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
電影 “Still Alice”, 《永遠的愛麗絲〉》, 喚醒世界對身邊患有Alzheimer's disease,腦退化症朋友,家人的關注。 也展示了人性最真實,最美麗的一面,面對不可預測的困境!
主角Alice, 患有遺傳的早發性腦退化症,剛剛過了五十歲生日。事業正處于高峰,卻發現自己有時不知自己身處何方,上課不記得自己下句要講什麽,有時不記得最簡單的單字,慢慢,連自己的名字,生日也忘記了,最後自己是誰也忘掉…
電影裏, Julianne Moore has done a wonderful job. 一方面ALICE 內心世界很痛苦,但外表仍表現溫柔,和諧和堅毅。眼睛凝視一點,似是看見了什麼,但是乎什麼也看不見,看是在想著什麼,但卻想不起來。腦海空空的,看似沒有情感,其實欲哭無淚。
Julianne帶著觀衆,和主角Alice一起,一點一點,細膩的去經曆,去體驗這個身體退化過程,感受她內心的掙紮、焦慮、不安、無奈,感受給家人帶來的沖擊,變化,感受她因爲病情的反複無常,所帶來的的性情變化,有時脆弱,有時堅強,而最令人感動的是Alice家人無條件的愛,支持, 還有Alice那種面對疾病,保持心境和諧,溫柔,堅毅的態度- Gracefulness, toughness and warmth, softness...
The movie inspires people to learn to accept aging and diseases, to love ourselves, and family, old generation.
What I like it mostly is the family attitude, support and love towards Mama's awful deterioration , their caring, understanding, graceful , toughness manner, and Alice's touching speech.
看完“Still Alice”, 我對這個電影的中英文名字有了較爲清晰的理解。名字背後的真正意義:
A beautiful, smart Alice! Whatever she becomes at last.
A beautiful, smart Alice! Whatever she becomes at last.
電影中的“爸爸”好像不斷在提醒我們,在家人心中,媽媽 Alice 不等於她的疾病,Alice仍然是我們美麗的ALICE。同樣,當我們或別人有情緒,提醒自己,我們,別人,都不等於情緒,目的是要看事物的本質,要看情緒背後的動機,看的更深,更廣,而不被情緒、表面上混亂的局面所控制,失控。
“You're so beautiful," said Alice. "I'm afraid of looking at you and not knowing who you are."
"I think that even if you don't know who I am someday, you'll still know that I love you."
"What if I see you, and I don't know that you're my daughter, and I don't know that you love me?"
"Then, I'll tell you that I do, and you'll believe me.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
"I think that even if you don't know who I am someday, you'll still know that I love you."
"What if I see you, and I don't know that you're my daughter, and I don't know that you love me?"
"Then, I'll tell you that I do, and you'll believe me.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
“... just because [butterflies'] lives were short didn't mean they were tragic... See, they have a beautiful life.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice
電影的高潮是ALICE 的演講:
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll forget it some tomorrow doesn't mean that I didn't live every second of it today. I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today didn't matter.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll forget it some tomorrow doesn't mean that I didn't live every second of it today. I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today didn't matter.”
“My yesterdays are disappearing, my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment.”
So, just live in the moment.
"Yesterday is a history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift.That is why we call it a present."
問題出現了,不逃避,接受生命中的一切挑戰,接受生命中不可控制的事情, 總是要學會放下的,過去的光輝和幸福,仍然屬于自己,不因爲身體變化被抹殺;但抱著過去的光輝不放手,继而折磨今天的自己,影響今天的情绪和幸福。
“I used to know how the mind handled language, and I could communicate what I knew. I used to be someone who knew a lot. No one asks for my opinion or advice anymore. I miss that. I used to be curious and independent and confident. I miss being sure of things. There's no peace in being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being a part of what's happening. I miss feeling wanted. I miss my life and my family. I loved my life and family.”
― Lisa Genova, Still Alice“I used to know how the mind handled language, and I could communicate what I knew. I used to be someone who knew a lot. No one asks for my opinion or advice anymore. I miss that. I used to be curious and independent and confident. I miss being sure of things. There's no peace in being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being a part of what's happening. I miss feeling wanted. I miss my life and my family. I loved my life and family.”
不論昨天擁有什麽,今天失去了什麽,都可以是一種Imagination。最重要是此刻 - 活在當下。
早期腦退化症, 從外表看,和正常人一樣,但它就像是白蟻侵食木屋,記憶,一片一片被吞噬,最後失去所有認知力,照顧自己的能力,令人傷感。
Alice 面對的是所有人最終都要面對的,即使沒有早發性腦退化病,身體機能衰退,腦袋不靈光是遲早的事,只是下降坡度沒Alice的快,最後如果我們老而不死,也會像老人院裡那些連自己身處何方也不自知的老人一樣。
Alice 面對的是所有人最終都要面對的,即使沒有早發性腦退化病,身體機能衰退,腦袋不靈光是遲早的事,只是下降坡度沒Alice的快,最後如果我們老而不死,也會像老人院裡那些連自己身處何方也不自知的老人一樣。
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